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A general class for ISO base media boxes, eg M4V, M4A, quicktime, as defined in ISO14496, and also JUMBox as defined in ISO19566.
The BoxFactory creates Box objects from an InputStream.
An interface implemented by JUMBox objects that represent assertions.
A C2PA Assertion for the "c2pa.actions" type
A C2PA Assertion for the "" type
A C2PA Assertion for the "c2pa.endorsement" type
A C2PA Assertion for the "c2pa.depthmap.GDepth" type
A C2PA Assertion for the "c2pa.hash.bmff" or "c2pa.hash.bmff.v2" types
A C2PA Assertion for the "" type
A C2PA Assertion for the "c2pa.ingredient" type
A C2PA Assertion for the "stds.exif", "stds.iptc", "stds.schema-org.ClaimReview", "stds.schema-org.CreativeWork" types
A C2PA Assertion for the "c2pa.soft-binding" type
A C2PA Assertion for the "c2pa.thumbnail.claim" and "c2pa.thumbnail.ingredient" types
A C2PA Assertion that will be used for unknown types of assertion
The claim box used to stored the claim in a manifest box.
A C2PAContainerBox wraps a C2PAStore inside a "uuid" box, for safe storage inside an ISO BMFF-based file.
A general Helper class for C2PA which functions as a main method, provides utility methods for embedding C2PA in files.
The manifest box represents a signed sequence of assertions.
The C2PA signature is applied to each manifest to sign it.
A representation of a C2PA status code, with a message and an optional URL describing its origin
An enum listing the predefined status code
The store box is the top-level box for any C2PA object.
A "cbor" box contains a single CBOR object.
A CborContainerBox is a JUMBF wrapper around a single CborBox.
A general Box that stores its content as a byte array.
An EmbeddedFileContainerBox is a JUMBF wrapper around a pair of "bfdb" and "bidb" boxes.
This superclass of Box handles the standad "extension" format defined in ISO14496-12 s 11.
A "json" box contains a single JSON object.
A JsonContainerBox is a JUMBF wrapper around a single JsonBox.
Represents a "JUMBF" ("JPEG Univesal Metadata Box Format") box as defined in ISO19566 appendix A.2.
Represents a "tkhd" Track Header box, defined in ISO14496-12 section 8.3.2.
An "xml " box (note the space) contains a single XML object.
An XMP box is a semi-standardized box holding XMP metadata, which is now defined in ISO16684, although this method of storage for XMP dates from "part 3" of the pre-ISO specifications.