
Interface C2PA_Assertion

All Known Implementing Classes:
C2PA_AssertionActions, C2PA_AssertionCloudData, C2PA_AssertionEndorsement, C2PA_AssertionGDepth, C2PA_AssertionHashBMFF, C2PA_AssertionHashData, C2PA_AssertionIngredient, C2PA_AssertionSchema, C2PA_AssertionSoftBinding, C2PA_AssertionThumbnail, C2PA_AssertionUnknown

public interface C2PA_Assertion
An interface implemented by JUMBox objects that represent assertions.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    default JUMBox
    This default method in the marker interface casts this object to a JUMBox.
    default C2PAManifest
    Return the manifest box containing this assertion
    default List<C2PAStatus>
    Verify this assertion, returning a list of status codes describing why this assertion failed or an empty list if it succeeded.
  • Method Details

    • asBox

      default JUMBox asBox()
      This default method in the marker interface casts this object to a JUMBox. Every assertion must be a JUMBox
    • getManifest

      default C2PAManifest getManifest()
      Return the manifest box containing this assertion
      the manifest containing this assertion
    • verify

      Verify this assertion, returning a list of status codes describing why this assertion failed or an empty list if it succeeded. The default implementation succeeds, and returns an empty list.
      a list of status codes, which may be empty on success
      UnsupportedOperationException - if the assertion isn't implemented
      IOException - if the assertion verification involved I/O and the IO layer threw an exception