
Class C2PASignature

public class C2PASignature extends CborContainerBox
The C2PA signature is applied to each manifest to sign it. There is one signature per manifest.
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • toString

      public String toString()
      Description copied from class: Box
      Return a String representation of this Box, which will be parseable as JSON
      toString in class Box
    • cose

      public COSE cose()
      Return the COSE object which actually contains the signature. While useful for retrieving cryptographic details from the signature, don't call sign/verify on the returned object; call them on this class instead.
      the COSE object
    • setSigner

      public void setSigner(PrivateKey key, List<X509Certificate> certs)
      Set the identity that will be used in a subsequent call to sign(). These values are not preserved in any way; they're only used by sign().
      key - the PrivateKey
      certs - a list of X.509 certificates to include in the COSE object.
    • hasSigner

      public boolean hasSigner()
      whether the identity is set
    • sign

      public List<C2PAStatus> sign() throws IOException
      Sign the claim. Before signing
      a list of status codes - if any of them are invalid, signing failed
      RuntimeException - wrapping a GeneralSecurityException if signing fails
      IOException - if signing fails due to an IOException
    • setTimestamp

      public void setTimestamp(long timestamp)
      If the signature does not contain a timestamp, set the time that the signature was applied. Without this information and a timestamp, the signature will be verified against the current time
      timestamp - the timestamp of the signature, or 0 to use the default (the current time)
    • getTimestamp

      public long getTimestamp()
      Return the timestamp the signature was applied at, or 0 if not known.
      the timestamp
    • verify

      public List<C2PAStatus> verify(KeyStore keystore) throws IOException
      Verify the cryptographic aspects of the claim. Note for full verification, each asseration in the claim's list must also be verified, see C2PA_Assertion.verify()
      keystore - if not null, the final certificate in the chain will be verified against the trusted roots in this KeyStore
      a list of validation status codes
      IllegalArgumentException - if no key is available to verify
      IllegalStateException - if the signature is not signed or has been incorrectly set up
      IOException - if such an exception was thrown while computing the object digest