Package com.bfo.json

package com.bfo.json
Package relating to Json, Cbor, Msgpack, and all classes relating to JWK and COSE
  • Class
    A basic COSE class.
    JSON (and now CBOR/Msgpack) implementation that tries to be simple, complete, fast and follow the principle ofi least surprise.
    An event object which notifies a JsonListener of changes to a Json object.
    A Factory interface that can be implemented to convert more complex types to/from Json if required.
    An interface that can be implemented to monitor changes to the Json object tree.
    This class controls the details of the call.
    A Filter which can be applied during reading of data.
    This class determines how the Json written with Json.write() is formatted.
    A Filter which can be used to restrict which nodes are written, or to override the source of data for some nodes
    The JsonProvider implementation that provider the JSON-P (JSR374) implementation.
    A class representing a single "JSON Web Key", a JSON representation of an asymmetric key/keypair, or a symmetric key.
    A trivial JWT (Json Web Token) implementation Supports all signature algorithms supported by JWK.